Sept. 25 - 29, 2024

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Submit a film


The films presented at the Montreal International Black Film Festival are divided up into different categories, as determined by a Committee. Films are chosen by the Committee, which then places them into the appropriate categories.


The submission period for the Montreal International Black Film Festival, all film categories included, is outlined on the Festival’s page on FilmFreeWay. To submit a film, you must:

  1. Respect the pre-selection rules, regulations and conditions.
  2. Complete the on-line registration form on FilmFreeWay.


Please submit your film on the FILM FREEWAY Platform :



The goal of the Montreal International Black Film Festival (previously known as the Montreal Haitian Film Festival) is to: promote independent author’s films from Canada and around the world, promote cultural and cinematographic diversity within Quebec and Canada, promote Black cinema and stimulate the development of quality cinema, discover and encourage new talent, encourage meetings between Black filmmakers and professionals working in the film industry from here and abroad, cultivate opportunities for North-South co-productions, encourage the development of the Black Film Industry here and abroad.


The Selection Committee selects and invites the films that will be presented in the Competition, Out-of-Competition, Retrospective, or other categories…

Only films that meet the following criteria may be selected and invited to be part of the Official Selection:

  1. Must have been made in the 24 months preceding the Festival.
  2. Must not have previously been distributed and/or released in theatres (unless an exception is made by the festival).
  3. Priority will be given to previously unreleased works.
  4. Must not have been broadcast on television or on the Internet.
  5. Must not have been released on the market on DVD, VOD or Blu-Ray.
  6. Must respect the goal of the Festival as defined in Paragraph I (GOAL).


The Montreal International Black Film Festival will include the following categories:

  • Feature films (fiction)
  • Documentaries
  • Retrospectives
  • Short Films
  • Tribute


Submitting or sending a film to the Festival implies that the producers or their representatives agree to these rules and regulations.


The Executive Management of the Festival has the power to settle any cases that are not covered under these rules and regulations.

Once selected, no film may be withdrawn from the program during the Festival.

Invited films may only be shown in the Festival’s theatres until the Festival has officially closed.


By invitation only, this section is dedicated to the great men and women of cinema: Screenwriters, directors, actors, producers, directors of photography, composers, diversity on screen allies etc.


Industrial, advertising or educational films are not eligible for any of the categories (competitive or non-competitive). Racist, pornographic and political propaganda films, as well as films based on gratuitous violence, are not eligible.


The Selection Committee refers to the President and to the other members that compose the Jury for each film category.

The President of the Festival, the Programming Director of the MIBFF and/or a designated representative of the Festival may attend Jury deliberations but may take no part in the voting.

Jury members may in no way be associated with a film that has been entered in the competition. The following persons may not sit on the Jury: the President of the Festival (of the Fabienne Colas Foundation), an organizing member of the Festival, or anyone who has been involved in producing, distributing or releasing a film in competition.


Films selected to be part of the Official Selection agree to use the “Official Selection” logo of the Montreal International Black Film Festival in all their publicity.

By participating in the Festival, the award winners and distribution companies agree to use the Montreal International Black Film Festival name or logo, as well as the award they received, in all their promotions and advertisements (posters, ads, etc.).


The deadlines for registering films are available on the Festival’s FILM FREEWAY page.
Registration, payment and film screener link must be completed online through FilmFreeWay.


The President and Founder of the Festival has the authority to settle any cases not covered under these rules and regulations.

Submitting a film does not mean that it will automatically be selected for participation in the upcoming edition of the Montreal International Black Film Festival. Only those films selected by the Selection Committee shall be screened.

Participation in the Montreal International Black Film Festival means you agree to abide by the aforementioned rules and regulations and respect the pre-selection conditions.

Should there be a dispute in the interpretation of any of these rules and regulations, the original French text will prevail.

These rules and regulations apply to all Official Selection categories (Competition, Out-of-Competition, Special programming, Retrospectives, Invited films, other categories, etc).



The Selection Committee of the Montreal International Black Film Festival is exclusively responsible for the Official Selection and for deciding the section in which a film may be categorized: In Competition (short mid-length and feature films), Out-of-Competition or Special programming, Other views, Retrospectives, Invited films, etc.


Films registered for Official Selection must meet the following criteria (except for retrospectives):

  • Must have been made in the 24 months preceding the Festival.
  • Must not have previously been distributed and/or released in Quebec (unless an exception is made).
  • Must not have been broadcast on the Internet or on television.
  • Must not have been released on the market on VOD, DVD, Blu-Ray or other.


1) Individuals of any other ethnicity (race) and from any country may also submit films to the Montreal International Black Film Festival as long as the film meets ONE of the following conditions:

  • Deals with a Black reality
  • Deals with the Black community.
  • Has several actors of Black origin playing in major roles.
  • Has a director or screenwriter of Black origin.
  • Deal with a particular theme in the Festival.

2) In the invited films category, the terms and conditions for eligibility indicated in Point 1 above would not apply, due to the fact that these films are specially invited by the Festival for a very particular and special reason.


Our definition for film length: 30 min or less: Short film; 31 to 74 minutes: Medium-length film; 75 min and more: Feature film.


The deadlines for registering films are available on the Festival’s FILM FREEWAY page.
Registration, payment and film screener link must be completed online through FilmFreeWay.


Regardless of the equipment used to shoot the film (Digital, 35mm or other…):

For the pre-selection phase, all film screeners should be uploaded directly on FilmFreeway.

If your film is accepted, you will be asked to send a copy for public screening.

For the public screenings (in theater), only the following formats will be accepted: DCP, MOV files or MP4 HD.


The Selection Committee will view films:

  • WITH NO subtitles, if the film is originally in French or English.
  • WITH French or English subtitles, if the film is originally in another language.

The final screening copy MUST have English or French subtitles for any parts that are spoken in another language.


DCP: Must be sent by registered mail or via an express courier service (FedEx, DHL, UPS…) directly to the address indicated at the bottom of the registration form. Please indicate the following on the parcel: “For cultural use only” and “No commercial value.”

The transportation costs, customs duties and taxes on all films sent through an express courier service must be paid up in full when the package arrives at the Festival or the Festival will not sign the acknowledgement of receipt.


DCP: If you absolutely must have your DCP returned to you, please indicate so and send us a bank or postal money order in the amount of CDN$75 payable to the Montreal International Black Film Festival.

NB: Selecting a film for the Festival in no way guarantees that the film’s representative (director, actor, producer, distributor, etc.) will be taken care of (i.e. transportation to Montreal, lodgings, etc.). For feature films in Competition, the director and/or the main actor MUST be present at the Festival.


Emile Castonguay
Programming Directo
Montreal International Black Film Festival